11 Best Books for Women in Their 30s:- Women Empowering Books

Entering your 30s is a big moment, like stepping into a time of self-discovery and personal growth. One of the coolest ways to navigate through this exciting time is by reading the best books for women.

Best Books for Women
Best Books for Women

In this list, I’ve picked out 11 fantastic books made just for women in their 30s. These books are like friendly guides, helping you love yourself more, stay strong when things get tough, and find the power inside you.

We’ve got all sorts of books here—some tell real-life stories, some give useful tips, and others are exciting made-up stories. These books are like special keys, unlocking your strength and inspiration on your journey.

So, if you’re looking for the best books for women that empower, boost confidence, and bring joy, this list is just for you. Let’s dive into these empowering stories and make your 30s even more awesome!

My List of 11 Best Books for Women in Their 30s

Let’s get started on a transformative journey with my carefully selected list of 11 best books tailored for women in their 30s.

Discover inspiration, empowerment, and self-discovery within these pages.

1. “Becoming” by Michelle Obama:

Dive into ‘Becoming’ by Michelle Obama, one of the best books for women. This incredible book is all about Michelle’s life.

Here are some key takeaways:

  1. Inspiration in Everyday Life: Michelle shares her journey from a young girl to becoming the First Lady, inspiring women to find purpose in their stories.
  2. Strength in Adversity: Discover how Michelle faced challenges with grace, teaching women about resilience and strength during tough times.
  3. Importance of Education: The book highlights Michelle’s passion for education, emphasizing its power to shape destinies and empower women.
  4. Family and Relationships: Learn about Michelle’s family life, offering valuable insights into balancing personal relationships while pursuing individual goals.
  5. Empowerment Through Sharing: Michelle’s openness encourages women to share their stories, fostering a sense of empowerment and unity.

‘Becoming’ is more than a book; it’s a journey of empowerment, making it an essential read for women seeking inspiration and strength in their own lives.

Top Pick


Dive into the life story of the former First Lady in this remarkable women empowerment book, emphasizing identity, purpose, and the relentless pursuit of dreams.

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2. “Lean In” by Sheryl Sandberg:

Discover “Lean In” by Sheryl Sandberg, one of the best books for women. This book is like a guide for women in the workplace.

Here are some important things you’ll learn here:

  1. Workplace Challenges: Sheryl talks about challenges women face at work, making it a great book for understanding and overcoming these challenges.
  2. Balancing Work and Life: Learn how to balance your job and personal life, a crucial aspect for women in their careers.
  3. Encouragement to Speak Up: Sheryl encourages women to share their ideas and opinions at work, helping them find their voice.
  4. Supporting Other Women: The book highlights the importance of women supporting each other in the workplace, creating a stronger and more empowering environment.
  5. Career Growth: Discover tips for growing in your career, making “Lean In” a valuable read for women aiming to climb the professional ladder.

This empowering book is a must-read for women navigating their careers and seeking inspiration.

2nd Pick

Lean In

Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s COO, addresses workplace challenges for women, making this a must-read book for women seeking empowerment in their professional lives.

3. “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert:

Explore “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert, a wonderful book for women seeking inspiration. Here’s what you’ll find in this empowering read:

Key Takeaways…

  1. Unlocking Creativity: Gilbert inspires women to unlock their creative side, encouraging them to explore and embrace their passions.
  2. Embracing Curiosity: The book celebrates curiosity as a driving force, urging women to follow what excites and inspires them.
  3. Overcoming Fear: Gilbert shares insights on overcoming the fear that holds women back from pursuing their creative dreams.
  4. Living a Vibrant Life: “Big Magic” encourages women to live a life full of vibrancy and passion, embracing creativity in all aspects of life.
  5. Inspiration in Everyday Moments: Gilbert finds magic in everyday life, teaching women to see inspiration in the ordinary and turn it into something extraordinary.

“Big Magic” is a captivating journey into the world of creativity and self-discovery. Perfect for women looking to add a touch of magic to their lives.

3rd Pick

Big Magic

Unlock your creative potential with this empowering book, urging women to embrace their passions and lead a life driven by curiosity and inspiration.

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4. “Year of Yes” by Shonda Rhimes:

Delve into “Year of Yes” by Shonda Rhimes, a fantastic book for women embracing new opportunities. Here’s what you’ll discover in this empowering read:

Key Takeaways…

  1. Saying Yes to Life: Rhimes shares her journey of saying “yes” to new opportunities, inspiring women to step out of their comfort zones.
  2. Embracing Change: The book encourages women to embrace change, providing insights on how it can lead to personal and professional growth.
  3. Overcoming Challenges: Rhimes discusses overcoming personal challenges, offering valuable lessons on resilience and self-discovery.
  4. Empowering Self-Confidence: “Year of Yes” is a guide to building self-confidence, empowering women to believe in their capabilities.
  5. Finding Joy: Discover the joy that comes with saying “yes” to life’s adventures, making this book a source of inspiration for women seeking positivity.

“Year of Yes” is a delightful journey of empowerment and self-discovery, encouraging women to embrace life’s possibilities with open arms.

4th Pick

Year of Yes

Television producer Shonda Rhimes shares her empowering journey of saying “yes” to new opportunities, encouraging women to step out of their comfort zones.

5. “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin:

Embark on a joyful journey with “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin, one of the best books for women seeking empowerment and positivity.

In this empowering read, discover key takeaways:

  1. Small Changes, Big Impact: Rubin unveils the powerful influence of small changes in daily routines, emphasizing their significant impact on overall happiness—a key theme in empowering books for women.
  2. Gratitude and Positivity: Explore the importance of gratitude and maintaining a positive mindset, essential elements for women seeking empowerment and joy in their lives.
  3. Balancing Life: Rubin provides insightful strategies for balancing various life aspects, aiding women in juggling responsibilities while prioritizing their happiness—a valuable lesson from empowering books for women.
  4. Creating Happiness: Delve into practical tips on how to create happiness in everyday life, making “The Happiness Project” a go-to guide for women’s empowerment.
  5. Personal Growth: This book serves as a journey of personal growth, encouraging women to invest time in joy-inducing activities—a key aspect of empowering books for women.

With a focus on empowerment and joy, Rubin’s book is a beacon for women, guiding them to find happiness in the everyday moments of life.

5th Pick

The Happiness Project

Rubin explores the pursuit of happiness, offering practical strategies for fulfillment in daily life, making it one of the best books for women on the path to empowerment.

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6. “Wild” by Cheryl Strayed:

Embark on a transformative journey with “Wild” by Cheryl Strayed, a powerful book for women seeking inspiration and empowerment.

Here are key takeaways from this captivating read:

  1. Resilience Through Challenges: Strayed’s memoir showcases the power of resilience, a valuable lesson for women navigating their own challenges and seeking empowerment.
  2. Self-Discovery in Nature: The book emphasizes the transformative impact of connecting with nature, encouraging women to find strength and self-discovery in the great outdoors.
  3. Courage in the Face of Adversity: Strayed’s journey exemplifies courage in overcoming adversity, inspiring women to face their challenges with strength and determination.
  4. Embracing Imperfections: “Wild” encourages women to embrace imperfections and learn from mistakes, fostering a sense of empowerment through self-acceptance.
  5. Personal Growth: This book is a testament to the potential for personal growth, motivating women to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery and empowerment.

With its themes of resilience, courage, and self-discovery, “Wild” stands as a remarkable addition to empowering books for women, offering a powerful narrative that resonates with the spirit of empowerment.

6th Pick


Embark on a transformative journey with Strayed, showcasing the power of resilience and self-discovery, making this an essential women empowering book.

7. “Daring Greatly” by Brené Brown:

Embark on a transformative journey with “Daring Greatly” by Brené Brown, a significant book for women seeking empowerment and resilience.

Here are key takeaways from this empowering read:

  1. The Power of Vulnerability: Brown explores the strength found in vulnerability, inspiring women to embrace their authentic selves and cultivate empowerment through openness.
  2. Wholehearted Living: “Daring Greatly” introduces the concept of wholehearted living, encouraging women to live with authenticity, courage, and a sense of worthiness.
  3. Courageous Imperfection: The book highlights the courage found in embracing imperfections, fostering self-love, and empowering women to overcome societal pressures.
  4. Shame Resilience: Brown provides insights into building resilience against shame, offering women valuable tools to navigate challenges and maintain a sense of empowerment.
  5. Empathy and Connection: “Daring Greatly” emphasizes the importance of empathy and connection, fostering a supportive community for women on their journey towards empowerment.

With its focus on vulnerability, wholehearted living, and resilience, “Daring Greatly” stands as a cornerstone in empowering books for women, offering transformative insights to guide them on their path to empowerment.

7th Pick

Daring Greatly

Brown explores the power of vulnerability, empowering women to embrace imperfections and live wholeheartedly, making it a key women empowerment book.

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8. “Educated” by Tara Westover:

Embark on an illuminating journey with “Educated” by Tara Westover, a compelling book that holds profound lessons for women seeking empowerment and education.

key takeaways:

  1. The Power of Education: Westover’s memoir underscores the transformative power of education, serving as an inspiring example for women striving for knowledge and empowerment.
  2. Resilience and Determination: The book chronicles Westover’s resilience and determination to break free from her upbringing, offering a powerful narrative for women facing challenges in pursuit of empowerment.
  3. Individual Agency: “Educated” highlights the importance of individual agency and self-discovery, encouraging women to assert their independence and shape their destinies.
  4. Overcoming Odds: Westover’s story exemplifies the ability to overcome extraordinary odds, inspiring women to confront their own obstacles with courage and tenacity.
  5. Continuous Learning: The memoir advocates for a commitment to continuous learning, instilling in women the belief that knowledge is a lifelong companion in the journey toward empowerment.

“Educated” is not just a memoir; it’s a testament to the transformative potential of education and individual resilience.

This book stands as a beacon for women, offering valuable insights into the pursuit of knowledge and self-empowerment.

8th Pick


This memoir highlights the transformative power of education and determination, showcasing a woman’s journey from a survivalist family to earning a PhD.

9. “Girl, Wash Your Face” by Rachel Hollis:

Explore “Girl, Wash Your Face” by Rachel Hollis, a fantastic book for women seeking inspiration and empowerment.

Here’s what you’ll discover in this empowering read:

  1. Real Talk About Life: Hollis delivers real talk about life’s challenges, making this an empowering book for women facing everyday struggles.
  2. Overcoming Self-Doubt: The book addresses self-doubt, providing women with insights on how to overcome insecurities and build confidence—a key theme in empowering books for women.
  3. Setting Realistic Goals: Hollis encourages setting realistic goals, empowering women to pursue their dreams with practical steps and determination.
  4. Embracing Imperfections: “Girl, Wash Your Face” celebrates imperfections, fostering self-love and empowering women to embrace their unique qualities.
  5. Living with Purpose: The book inspires women to live with purpose, offering a guide to finding meaning and fulfillment in daily life—a crucial aspect of empowering books for women.

Hollis’s book is a friendly companion, offering relatable advice and empowerment for women navigating life’s journey.

9th Pick

Girl, Wash Your Face

Hollis dispels common misconceptions about womanhood and empowers readers to take control of their lives, making this one of the best books for women.

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10. “The 5 Second Rule” by Mel Robbins:

Dive into “The 5 Second Rule” by Mel Robbins, a helpful book for women looking to make positive changes. Here’s what you’ll find in this empowering read:

Key Takeaways…

  1. Overcoming Procrastination: Robbins introduces a simple but powerful technique for overcoming procrastination, empowering women to take immediate action.
  2. Building Confidence: The book explores how the 5-second rule can boost confidence, providing women with a tool to push through self-doubt—a crucial aspect of empowering books for women.
  3. Creating Healthy Habits: Robbins guides women in using the 5-second rule to establish and maintain healthy habits, contributing to overall well-being and empowerment.
  4. Seizing Opportunities: Learn how the rule can be applied to seize opportunities, encouraging women to step out of their comfort zones and embrace growth.
  5. Mindful Decision-Making: “The 5 Second Rule” emphasizes mindful decision-making, empowering women to make positive choices in various aspects of their lives.

With its practical approach, Mel Robbins’s book is a valuable resource, offering a simple yet effective tool for women seeking empowerment and positive change in their daily routines.

10th Pick

The 5 Second Rule

Robbins introduces a simple but powerful technique to overcome procrastination and self-doubt, providing a practical guide for women seeking empowerment.

11. “Quiet” by Susan Cain:

Explore “Quiet” by Susan Cain, an insightful book for women navigating the power of introversion. Here’s what you’ll discover in this empowering read:

Key Takeaways…

  1. Embracing Introversion: Cain celebrates the strength found in introversion, making this an empowering book for women who identify with quieter, reflective qualities.
  2. Valuing Unique Qualities: “Quiet” emphasizes the value of unique introverted qualities, empowering women to embrace and harness the strengths inherent in their personalities.
  3. Navigating Extroverted Expectations: The book provides insights into navigating a world that often values extroversion, offering guidance for introverted women seeking empowerment in various social and professional settings.
  4. Creating Quiet Spaces: Cain encourages the creation of quiet spaces, empowering women to prioritize moments of solitude and reflection for personal well-being.
  5. Contributing Quietly: “Quiet” advocates for introverts to contribute meaningfully, fostering empowerment by recognizing and valuing their contributions in personal and professional spheres.

With its affirming perspective on introversion, “Quiet” is a supportive guide for women, providing insights into navigating a world that sometimes leans toward extroversion.

It’s a book that champions the strength found in quieter voices and personalities.

Final Pick


The book “Quiet” Explore the power of introversion, empowering women to embrace their unique qualities, an important theme in this women empowerment book.

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In these special books, you’ll find the secrets to discovering yourself and feeling strong if you’re a woman in your 30s.

Whether you’re dealing with relationships or chasing your career dreams, these 11 books are like a magical box full of encouragement.

So, let’s start this adventure with books, and may the smart ideas in these pages give you strength, bravery, and a fresh feeling of purpose as you go through your 30s. Have a great time reading!

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