ClickFunnels 2.0 Review: Best Passive Income Automation Tool

Out of all the ways to make money, passive income is something I absolutely love. It’s fantastic because I don’t have to give up my precious time just to earn money. Right now, thanks to digital marketing automation tools, I can effortlessly set up an online source of passive income.

ClickFunnels 2.0 is not just another marketing tool; it’s your ticket to unlocking the world of passive income. Imagine a tool that does the heavy lifting for you, allowing you to earn money while you focus on what truly matters.

clickfunnels 2.0 review
ClickFunnels 2.0 Review

With ClickFunnels, you can harness the power of marketing automation to create a consistent stream of income without constantly being tied to your desk.

It’s like having a super-smart helper that takes care of your marketing stuff. You know, the things that usually take up a lot of your time.

ClickFunnels 2.0 sales funnels sets up a cool system that turns curious people into happy customers, all on its own. That means you can do what you love, and this tool keeps the money flowing.

Table of Contents

In today’s world, making money online is the way to go. And with ClickFunnels 2.0, you can jump right in. You don’t need to be a tech expert – it’s super user-friendly. This awesome tool helps you make friends with your customers, sends them emails, and even helps you look awesome online.

Whether you’re a business pro or just starting, ClickFunnels 2.0 has your back. It’s time to high-five automation and let it do the hard work.

Ready to discover how ClickFunnels can help you earn some extra cash without the stress? Let’s dive in and let me share my honest ClickFunnels 2.0 Review with you.!

What is Clickfunnels 2.0?

What are ClickFunnels 2.0: – Actually this is your online marketing companion and updated version of previous ClickFunnels, powered by the genius mind of Russell Brunson.

This ingenious software equips you with the ultimate toolkit to seamlessly promote, sell, and deliver your products and services over the internet.

ClickFunnels 2.0 becomes your trusted sidekick in generating leads, driving sales, and even hosting events. In simple terms, it’s like having a digital helper that crafts Sales Funnels and eye-catching websites, all designed to capture potential customers, guide them on your journey, and seal the deal with conversions.

Think of ClickFunnels as your personal website builder, made for digital marketers and entrepreneurs. It’s an all-in-one tool, creating websites, gathering leads, managing follow-ups, driving sales, and building your email list. This powerhouse shapes your brand’s online presence.

sales funnels
Sales Funnels

Now, envision integrating this powerhouse into your business strategy – endless possibilities! With ClickFunnels, you can supercharge lead generation, skyrocket sales, and give your brand a remarkable boost.

ClickFunnels is your secret weapon for constructing Sales Funnels. These cleverly designed pathways entice visitors, educate them about your offerings, and transform them into loyal customers.

Here’s the best part: You don’t need to be a coding whiz. You can forget about grappling with HTML, CSS, or PHP – ClickFunnels 2.0 does the heavy lifting for you.

In a nutshell, ClickFunnels is your marketing marvel, orchestrating all things sales with ease Its immense value is my everyday tool.

What is Sales Funnels?

The Marketing and Sales Funnels serves as a structured system for monitoring the customer journey, presenting it in a visual format that can be challenging to envision otherwise.

By utilizing sales and marketing funnels, you can effortlessly grasp the stages customers navigate. This process guides potential customers, initially unaware of your business, towards becoming devoted patrons.

In this context, the customer embarks on a journey of progressive marketing engagement, encompassing four key phases:

  1. Discovery and Awareness: This phase involves identifying potential customers by creating awareness about your offerings.
  2. Cultivating Interest: The next step entails arousing customer interest in your product while encouraging them to make small commitments.
  3. Continual Engagement and Desire: Follow-up is essential at this stage, where you further develop the desire for your product and nurture the leads you’ve garnered.
  4. Ultimate Action: The final juncture witnesses the customer taking the decisive action of purchasing your core product.

This method of elevation marketing orchestrates a seamless progression from initial awareness to eventual conversion.

How Does ClickFunnels 2.0 Works?

ClickFunnels is a tool that helps you guide people through the process of becoming your customers. It does this by creating a series of web pages that lead visitors from just looking around to actually buying something from you.

ClickFunnels 2.0 Sales Funnels Creation Work…

Let’s break down how it works in easy steps:

Step 1: Choose a Template

  • Start by clickfunnels login and picking a template that suits your product.
  • There are different templates for different goals like getting people’s contact info, selling products, collecting payments, and more.
    • Optin Pages to generates leads and build a email list.
    • Sale Pages to sale your products.
    • Order Form Pages to collect payments. 
    • Upsale Pages to increase your profit margin.
    • Webinar or Event Pages to host live webinars and events
    • Membership Sites to host and sell your contents.
Clickfunnels Templates

Step 2: Customize Your Pages

  • Customize the style of your page design with color mapping, padding and custom CSS that fits to your brand. Make your pages look the way you want by choosing colors, adding space, and making them match your brand.
  • You build your pages like you’re putting together a puzzle. Add four basic building blocks. Sections, Rows, Columns, Elements.
  • Add text, images, videos, Products, and buttons in the selected part.

Step 3: Add Elements

  • Put in the things you need on your pages, like an order form for buying, a table that shows the prices, or a survey to gather information, etc.

Step 4: Connect with Other Tools

  • Link up ClickFunnels Account with other services you use. For example, you can connect it to your payment system, email automation services, or tools like Zoom, shopify, etc.

Step 5: Launch Your Funnel

  • Before you go live, check that everything is set up correctly.
  • Now connect it with custom domain and finally launch your Sales Funnels and it is now live. Now it is ready to collect leads and generates sales.

Step 6: Share Your Funnel

  • Get people to visit your funnel. You can share the link on social media or run ads to bring visitors.

Visitor’s Journey through Your Funnel:

  1. Optin Page: People land on your first page, where they might give you their contact information.
  2. Training/Info Video: Visitors learn more about your product or service through a video.
  3. Call to Action: You ask them to buy something.
  4. Order Form: If they decide to buy, they fill out a form to pay.
  5. Upsell Offer: Before they finish paying, they might see another product that complements their purchase.
  6. Final Decision: If they like the offer, they might buy more. If not, they still have a chance for a discount. If they decline, they complete their purchase.

And there you go! Your visitor has become a customer. ClickFunnels 2.0 helps guide them through these steps smoothly.”

ClickFunnels 2.0 Review: Is ClickFunnels Legit or Worth It?

At its core, this entails a network of sales funnels, with ClickFunnels standing as the platform driving this operational framework. While several other builders cater to sales funnels – think Kartra, Kajabi, among others – it’s ClickFunnels that garners significant renown, particularly for its user-friendly features.

The architect behind ClickFunnels presents a comprehensive marketing remedy that encompasses all facets. What sets ClickFunnels apart lies in its distinct attributes, a few of which are outlined below:

Clickfunnels users
ClickFunnels Users

Many people wonder if ClickFunnels is trustworthy and if it really helps businesses make sales. I believe that ClickFunnels is absolutely legitimate and lives up to its promises.

Imagine this: over 500,000 websites are actively using ClickFunnels, and there’s a community of more than 100,000 entrepreneurs from around the world who vouch for its effectiveness in boosting sales and conversions. For people like digital marketers and those running online businesses, ClickFunnels is like a super tool that makes it easier and faster to turn potential customers into actual buyers.

What’s cool is that ClickFunnels doesn’t just offer what it claims, it also offers learning resources. They’re not just about the online stuff; they also provide useful books about sales and marketing that can help you learn and grow.

If you’re new to all of this, ClickFunnels can really speed up your learning process. They have a bunch of courses that teach you how to bring people to your website and convince them to buy. And if you already have a business that’s doing alright, ClickFunnels can take it to the next level and help it grow like crazy.

So, in a nutshell, ClickFunnels is like a trusted friend for businesses. It actually does what it says, helps you learn, and can make your business get bigger and better.

Key-Features Of Old ClickFunnels:-

Let’s talk about the cool things ClickFunnels can do for your business. They’ve got some nifty features that even beginners can use.

If you’re not a tech whiz, no problem! ClickFunnels makes it super easy to build a whole selling setup using their drag-and-drop tools. You can design a webpage that sells your stuff without needing any fancy design skills.

ClickFunnels is like a toolbox for marketing, giving you tools to create pages that make people excited about your products or services. There’s more to it than that too – they’ve got other features to help you make more money.

Here’s a list of the cool stuff ClickFunnels can do to supercharge your sales process and turn it into a sales-generating powerhouse:

Drag-and-Drop Page Builder:

One of the biggest hurdles for many entrepreneurs is creating a professional-looking website. ClickFunnels solves this problem with its drag-and-drop page builder.

clickfunnels drag and drop editor
Drag and Drop Editor

This feature allows you to easily design and customize webpages without any coding knowledge. Imagine it as assembling pieces of a puzzle – you can choose different elements like text, images, buttons, and videos, and place them wherever you want on the page.

This means that even if you’re not a web designer, you can still create visually appealing and engaging webpages that capture your audience’s attention.

Marketing & Sales Funnels Builder:

You might have a great product, but how do you guide potential customers through the process of discovering it, learning about it, and ultimately purchasing it?

ClickFunnels simplifies this journey with its marketing and sales funnels builder. A funnel is a series of steps that lead a visitor from initial interest to making a purchase.

ClickFunnels provides templates and tools to create these funnels, so you don’t have to start from scratch. Whether it’s a simple two-step funnel or a more complex one with multiple stages.

ClickFunnels empowers you to design a seamless path for your customers, making it easier for them to become buyers.

Follow-Up Funnels:

Imagine meeting someone at a party and wanting to stay in touch afterward. ClickFunnels’ follow-up funnels are like the online version of that.

Once a visitor provides their contact information, ClickFunnels helps you keep the conversation going by sending them personalized messages and reminders.

This feature is crucial for nurturing relationships with potential customers and turning them into loyal supporters of your brand.

E-mail Marketing Automation:

Staying connected with your audience is vital for any business, and ClickFunnels takes care of this through its email marketing automation tool.

You can set up automated email sequences that are triggered by specific actions, like signing up or making a purchase.

This allows you to provide value, share updates, and even offer special promotions to your subscribers. The automation saves you time while ensuring consistent communication with your audience.

One-Click Upsells and Downsells:

Think about how retailers offer you additional items right before you check out at a physical store. ClickFunnels brings this strategy to the online world with its one-click upsells and downsells feature.

After a customer adds a product to their cart, you can present them with complementary products or special deals before they finalize their purchase. This can significantly increase the average transaction value and boost your revenue.

Membership Areas:

Do you have premium content or special offers that you want to share exclusively with your customers? ClickFunnels’ membership areas feature lets you create private sections on your website that are accessible only to those who have purchased from you.

This is great for delivering online courses, providing ongoing value to your customers, and building a sense of community around your brand.

Check-Out And Order Forms:

The final step in the sales process is the checkout, and ClickFunnels streamlines this process by providing easy-to-create check-out forms.

These forms are designed to reduce cart abandonment and make it as simple as possible for customers to complete their purchase.

Plus, ClickFunnels allows you to capture leads even if someone doesn’t complete their purchase, giving you a chance to follow up and potentially convert them later.

Mobile Text Notifications:

In a world where everyone’s glued to their phones, mobile text notifications can be incredibly effective. ClickFunnels lets you send alerts and messages directly to potential customers’ phones.

This is not just about promotion; you can also use it to engage your audience, share updates, and even get them to join your email list via text messages.

Affiliate marketing is a popular way to boost sales, and ClickFunnels makes it even better with its sticky cookie feature. This feature rewards your affiliates with bonus commissions on upsells.

Once a customer makes a purchase through an affiliate’s link, the affiliate’s contact information remains connected to that customer.

This means that if the customer makes another purchase in the future, the affiliate still gets credit, even without the customer using their affiliate link again.

Share Funnels Feature:

Imagine having a winning strategy for selling your products and being able to share it with others. ClickFunnels’ share funnels feature allows you to do just that.

You can create a funnel that works well for your business and share it with others. When they use your funnel and make sales, both you and they benefit from the success.

Sub-Users Adding Feature:

If you’re working with a team, ClickFunnels’ sub-users feature is a game-changer. It enables you to give team members access to your ClickFunnels account with specific permissions.

This means you can delegate tasks without compromising sensitive information. You have full control over who can do what, and you can adjust these permissions as needed.

Connect Multiple Domains:

Your website’s domain name is like its address on the internet. ClickFunnels allows you to set up your funnels on different domains, giving you flexibility in how you present your offers.

You can even buy domains directly from the ClickFunnels dashboard or connect domains you’ve already purchased elsewhere. This feature also lets you host webinars without additional costs on premium plugins and themes.

One-Click Opt-In:

Building an email list is crucial for ongoing marketing success. ClickFunnels’ one-click opt-in feature makes it easy for visitors to subscribe to your email list.

With just a click, they can sign up and receive updates, newsletters, and promotions from you. This direct communication channel allows you to nurture leads and keep them engaged with your brand.

A/B Split Tests:

In the ever-evolving world of online business, it’s important to constantly improve and optimize your strategies. ClickFunnels’ A/B split testing feature allows you to compare different versions of your sales pages, funnels, and other elements.

You can see which version performs better and make data-driven decisions to enhance your conversion rates.

Statistics Analytics Dashboard:

Understanding your business’s performance is essential for making informed decisions. ClickFunnels’ analytics dashboard gathers essential data about your traffic, sales, and conversion rates.

It gives you insights into what’s working and what needs improvement, helping you fine-tune your marketing strategies and allocate resources effectively.

FunnelFlix Program:

Learning is a lifelong journey, and ClickFunnels supports your growth with its FunnelFlix program.

This treasure trove of training videos covers a wide range of topics, from traffic generation and product development to personal development and copywriting.

Whether you’re just starting or looking to expand your business, FunnelFlix offers valuable insights and expertise from industry experts and successful business owners.

Multiple Integrations:

Running an online business often involves using various tools and platforms. ClickFunnels supports seamless integration with many popular third-party applications.

This means you can connect your email marketing software, payment gateways, CRM systems, and more to create a unified ecosystem that streamlines your operations and enhances your customer experience.

Multiple Payment Gateways:

Customers have diverse preferences when it comes to payment methods. ClickFunnels understands this and offers integration with multiple payment gateways, including PayPal, Stripe, and more.

This flexibility ensures that your customers can pay in the way they’re most comfortable with, reducing friction during the checkout process.

Backpack Sub Clickfunnels Affiliate Programs:

Turning loyal customers into enthusiastic promoters of your products is a smart business move. ClickFunnels’ Backpack feature allows you to set up your own affiliate program.

This empowers your customers and partners to refer others to your products and earn commissions for every sale they drive. It’s like having a team of marketers working on your behalf.

Exciting New Features in ClickFunnels 2.0 Version!

Let’s explore the fantastic new features that come with ClickFunnels 2.0. These updates bring more power and convenience to your online business efforts.

Create Courses:

Do you want to teach and sell online courses? ClickFunnels 2.0 lets you do it all within the platform.

No need to search for external tools – you can create, host, and sell courses directly on ClickFunnels. This makes the process seamless and effortless, as if you were writing a blog post.

Build Websites:

While you could build websites with ClickFunnels, it required some technical know-how. Now, building beautiful websites is a breeze.

Now with Clickfunnels 2.0 version you can design storefronts, product pages, landing pages, and more, all with an intuitive drag-and-drop editor. The result? Stunning websites that load faster than ever before.

Write Blogs:

Creating engaging blog posts for better website traffic is now possible within ClickFunnels 2.0.

With the new Blog section, you can easily write and publish blog posts, expanding your reach and boosting your Google rankings. Adding images, optimizing SEO, choosing authors, and playing around with advanced settings is a snap.

Tons of High-Converting Templates:

ClickFunnels 2.0 comes with a vast array of high-converting templates for websites, landing pages, and sales funnels across various industries.

Whether you’re into eCommerce, consulting, coaching, or affiliate marketing, these templates have been tested and proven to drive results.

Visual Funnel Flow Builder:

Planning your funnels is simpler with ClickFunnels 2.0’s visual funnel builder. Before you even start building, you can map out your entire funnel on a digital canvas.

Customize the flow, split paths, and automate actions based on user behavior. It’s a powerful tool that helps you create effective funnels.

Universal Changes:

You asked, and ClickFunnels delivered. Making site-wide changes across all pages with just one click is now possible.

If you update something on one page, it can be instantly duplicated on all other pages. This feature streamlines your editing process and ensures consistency.

Manage Domains:

Buying and managing domains has never been easier. ClickFunnels 2.0 allows you to purchase and connect domains directly from the platform. No need to juggle third-party tools – everything is conveniently available in one place.

Manage Products:

While ClickFunnels Classic was great for creating sales funnels, ClickFunnels 2.0 expands its capabilities into the realm of eCommerce.

You can now add products, customize product pages, set prices and inventory, create discounts, and more. Building an online store is a breeze with these enhancements.

Email Marketing:

ClickFunnels 2.0 isn’t just about building websites and funnels; it’s a comprehensive email marketing service too.

From building email lists to automating sequences, the platform offers a wide range of features to help you effectively engage your audience.

Craft Sales Pipelines:

For businesses that involve high-ticket services or products, ClickFunnels 2.0 introduces a dedicated sales section that acts as a CRM and sales pipeline management tool.

Keep track of opportunities, conversations, appointments, and sales reps’ progress – all in one place.

Analytics Overhaul:

The analytics in ClickFunnels 2.0 has been revamped for a more insightful experience. Get direct access to crucial information like conversion rates, A/B test results, product sales, customer numbers, and real-time analytics.

This information empowers you to make informed decisions for your business.

Clickfunnels Toolkit

ClickFunnels 2.0 introduces a range of new and improved features that take your online business to the next level. Whether you’re selling products, creating courses, or managing sales pipelines, these enhancements provide convenience, power, and effectiveness. ClickFunnels 2.0 is a comprehensive toolkit that simplifies your online business journey.

ClickFunnels 2.0 Vs Other Competitors!

Let’s check out how ClickFunnels 2.0 stacks up against its rivals in the world of online business tools. Who’s the winner when it comes to making online marketing easier?

Resourse- ClickFunnels
Sources – ClickFunnels
Source – ClikFunnels
Source – ClickFunnels

ClickFunnels is like a toolkit that has all the tools you need in one place. But if you use other tools, it’s like getting a hammer from one place, a screwdriver from another, and so on. It’s not only confusing but also more expensive.

For instance, let’s say you’re using tools like Shopify, Hubspot, Kajabi, and GetResponse. If you add up their costs, you’re already spending over $300 every month. And that’s just for the basic stuff! You might need to buy even more things to make them all work together. In reality, it could end up costing you around $500-$600 every month.

Now, with ClickFunnels, you get everything you need to build and grow your online business without all this hassle. It’s like having a complete toolkit that covers everything you need, all for a simpler and more affordable price.

Clickfunnels 2.0 Pricing

Let’s proceed to the section of our ClickFunnels 2.0 review that has garnered the most attention: the pricing, which has undergone a significant adjustment. Currently, there are three plans on the bases on monthly and yearly subscription.

ClickFunnels 2.0 Pricing:- Paid Monthly

The Basic Plan available at $147 per month for 1 website and 3 users, and Pro Plan at $197 per month for the Pro Users who have 1 website but 5 team members.

The highest tier is Funnel Hacker, which cost you $297 per month for growing businesses included 3 websites and 15 users.

ClickFunnels 2.0 Pricing Monthly

ClickFunnels 2.0 Pricing:- Yearly Plan

The Basic Plan available at $127/month paid yearly, means you need to pay $1527/Yearly

Pro Plan at $157 per month for Pro Users. Here you gonna pay $1884 Annually

Funnel Hacker, which cost you $208 per month for growing businesses will pay $2496 Per Year

ClickFunnels 2.0 Pricing

I do not recommend Funnel Hacker for beginners. It can be expensive, and you might need to spend months before fully utilizing all its features.

That being said, Funnel Hacker is a worthwhile investment if you run a digital marketing agency or manage multiple websites. It offers a multitude of options for managing affiliate programs, creating and sending emails, and building funnels, etc.


In conclusion, ClickFunnels is a game-changing platform that empowers businesses to create high-converting websites, sales funnels, and online courses without the need for technical expertise.

With ClickFunnels 2.0, these capabilities are expanded even further, allowing users to build websites, write blogs, manage products, and implement email marketing strategies seamlessly.

The addition of features like the visual funnel flow builder, universal changes, and enhanced analytics provides users with a comprehensive toolkit for optimizing their online presence and driving business growth.

To explore the full potential of ClickFunnels and access its features, simply visit the ClickFunnels log in page. With your ClickFunnels account, you can harness the power of these tools to transform your online business strategies, streamline processes, and connect more effectively with your target audience.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to leverage ClickFunnels’ capabilities for enhancing conversions, increasing sales, and achieving your business goals.

I hope you’ve gained a clear understanding of how to utilize ClickFunnels and what it entails. While the explanation was extensive, my aim was to provide you with a comprehensive overview of how ClickFunnels can benefit your business.

If you’re currently using an alternative platform to manage or host your website, I highly recommend taking advantage of the 14-day free trial and diving into ClickFunnels. For those who are new to this, there are numerous attractive options for establishing passive income streams.

I trust you’ve found the article “ClickFunnels 2.0 Review: Best Passive Income Automation Tool” to be enjoyable. If you’ve found it valuable, please consider sharing it with someone who may also appreciate it. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if there’s something specific you’d like to learn more about.

Thank you, and I wish you a fantastic day ahead.