9 Easy Steps to Start Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest Without a Website!

Hello there, if you are doubtful about Can you affiliate market on Pinterest? then I will let you know… Absolutely!

Affiliate marketing on Pinterest without a website or blog is a viable and cost-effective method to earn commissions by promoting products.

affiliate marketing on pinterest

It provides an easy way to generate income through affiliate partnerships on the platform.

Pinterest Affiliate marketing is a marketing strategy that involves using Pinterest to promote affiliate products and earn commissions.

By creating Pinterest boards and pins related to a specific niche, adding affiliate links to those pins, and sharing them on Pinterest, affiliates can drive traffic to affiliate offers and earn commissions on resulting sales.

Pinterest’s visual nature and search functionality make it a great platform for affiliate marketers to showcase products to potential customers.

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a popular social media platform and visual discovery engine that allows users to discover, save, and share ideas, inspiration, and content through visual bookmarks known as “pins.”

It is often described as a virtual pin board or digital scrapbooking platform. Users can create and manage themed collections of pins called “boards,” which can be categorized based on specific interests such as fashion, home décor, recipes, travel, and more. Pins can include images, videos, and links to external websites.

Pinterest is known for its highly visual nature, where users can explore and curate content by browsing through a personalized feed, searching for specific topics, or exploring popular categories. It serves as a platform for users to find inspiration, discover new products, plan events, and gather ideas for various aspects of their lives.

In addition to personal use, Pinterest also provides opportunities for businesses and content creators to showcase their products, services, and ideas. It offers a range of features and tools for businesses, including advertising options and performance-tracking analytics.

What is Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest

Pinterest Affiliate Marketing is a type of performance-based marketing where affiliates promote products on Pinterest and earn a commission on sales. By creating boards and pins related to a specific niche, adding affiliate links to those pins, and sharing them on Pinterest, affiliates can drive traffic to affiliate offers and earn commissions on resulting sales.

The visual nature and search functionality of Pinterest make it an ideal platform for promoting products and services. Pinterest Affiliate Marketing can be a great way to monetize a Pinterest account, but it’s important to choose reputable and trustworthy affiliate programs to promote and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Affiliate Marketing Without a Website:- 5 Best Ways

While having a website can be beneficial for affiliate marketing, it is still possible to do affiliate marketing without a website. Here are some ways to do affiliate marketing without a website:

Affiliate Marketing without a blog

1. Social Media Marketing

You can use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest to promote affiliate products. You can create social media pages or profiles related to the niche you want to promote and share affiliate links on those pages.

However, make sure to comply with the terms of service of each platform, and disclose any affiliate relationships to your audience. Pinterest for Affiliate Marketing work amazing here.

2. Email Marketing

Basically, You should build an email list of subscribers interested in your niche and send them emails promoting affiliate products. You can use email marketing services like GetResponse or Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) to create & manage your email list and send emails to your subscribers. Make sure to obtain permission from your subscribers before sending them promotional emails.

Read more Email Marketing Tips:-List Building Guide for Beginner Bloggers and LEARN How to build an Email List for FREE.

3. Video Marketing

You can create a YouTube channel and create videos related to your niche. You can include affiliate links in your video descriptions or within the videos themselves.

Make sure to comply with YouTube’s policies regarding affiliate links and disclose any affiliate relationships to your audience. (Youtube Video Downloader)

4. Influencer Marketing

If you have a large social media following or are considered an expert in your niche, you can partner with brands as an influencer and promote their products to your audience.

You can negotiate compensation for each promotion or product sold through your unique link.

5. Classified Ads and Forums

You can place classified ads on websites like Craigslist or participate in forums related to your niche and include affiliate links in your posts. However, make sure to follow the rules and regulations of each platform and disclose any affiliate relationships to your audience.

How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest

affiliate marketing on Pinterest without a blog can be a great way to earn commissions on products you promote. Here are some steps you can take to get started:-

Create a Pinterest Business Account:-

  • Visit the Pinterest website or download the Pinterest app and create Pinterest Business Account.
  • Choose a username related to your specialty or brand.
  • Choose a profile and cover photos that represent your brand and that fit your area of ​​expertise. 

Define Your Niche for Affiliate marketing on Pinterest:-

  • Identify your target audience and the areas you want to focus on.
  • Decide what types of products or services related to your niche you can promote through affiliate marketing

Optimize Your Profile:-

  • Create an engaging, keyword-rich bio that clearly describes your area of ​​expertise and what your audience can expect from your Pinterest account.
  • Add a link to your website or blog, if desired.

Create Pinterest Boards:-

  • Create multiple Pinterest boards related to your area of ​​expertise and use specific and meaningful titles.
  • Combine your own Pins with relevant content from other users to fill each board.
  • Create a keyword-rich description for your board to increase its visibility in search results.
  • Organize your boards strategically so that users can easily find relevant content.  

Join Pinterest Group Boards:

  • Find and Join Pinterest Group Boards that are relevant to your niche.
  • You can search for group boards using keywords and filters.
  • Review the group board rules and follow them accordingly.
  • Participate actively in Pinterest Group Boards (List of 400+ Groups) by sharing your own pins and engaging with other users’ content.

Find the Best Affiliate Programs for Pinterest:-

  • Research and identify affiliate programs and networks that offer products and services tailored to your area of ​​expertise.
  • Sign up for affiliate program and get your own affiliate link or referral code. 
  • Remember to always choose reputable and trustworthy affiliate programs to promote and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Create Pins:

  • Create visually appealing and high-quality pins using tools like Canva or Adobe Spark.
  • Use vertical images with a recommended aspect ratio of 2:3 or 1:2.1 to optimize visibility in Pinterest’s feed.
  • Include compelling and keyword-rich pin titles and descriptions.
  • Add your affiliate link to the pin description, ensuring transparency by using disclosure hashtags like #affiliatelink or #sponsored.

Promote Your Pins:

  • Share your pins on your own boards, ensuring they are organized appropriately.
  • Share your pins to relevant group boards, following the group board’s guidelines and schedule.
  • Consider promoting your pins using Pinterest Ads to reach a wider audience.

Analyze Performance:

  • Utilize Pinterest Analytics to track the performance of your pins.
  • Monitor metrics such as impressions, saves, clicks, and engagement to identify which pins are performing well.
  • Based on the data, refine your pinning strategy, create more of what works, and adjust or eliminate underperforming pins.

Read More:- How to use Pinterest for Blogging:- Fastest Blog Marketing Strategy.

Best Affiliate Programs for Pinterest

There are numerous affiliate programs available that can be suitable for doing Pinterest Affiliate Marketing.

The best affiliate programs for Pinterest will depend on your niche, target audience, and the products or services you want to promote.

Here are some popular and well-regarded affiliate programs that work well with Pinterest:

  1. Amazon Associates: Amazon’s affiliate program offers a vast range of products in various categories, making it a versatile choice for many niches.
  2. ShareASale: ShareASale is an affiliate network that connects affiliates with a wide range of merchants across different industries. It provides access to numerous affiliate programs suitable for Pinterest promotion.
  3. CJ Affiliate (formerly Commission Junction): CJ Affiliate is another popular affiliate network that offers a diverse selection of affiliate programs from various brands and merchants.
  4. Etsy: If your niche involves handmade or unique products, the Etsy affiliate program allows you to earn commissions by promoting items from independent sellers.
  5. Awin: Awin is an affiliate network that provides access to affiliate programs from a range of merchants and brands across multiple industries.
  6. ClickBank: ClickBank specializes in digital products, including e-books, online courses, software, and more. It can be a good fit if your niche is focused on information products or digital services.
  7. Fiverr: Fiverr is a popular online marketplace that connects freelancers offering various services with clients seeking those services. With Fiverr’s affiliate program, you can earn commissions by promoting their platform to potential clients and freelancers, making it a potential opportunity for monetizing your Pinterest audience.

When choosing an affiliate program, consider factors such as commission rates, cookie duration, product relevance to your audience, affiliate support, and overall reputation.

Additionally, some brands may have specific guidelines or restrictions on affiliate promotion, so be sure to review and adhere to their terms and policies.

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest

Pinterest can be a powerful platform for affiliate marketing due to its unique characteristics and user base. Here are some reasons why you should consider starting affiliate marketing on Pinterest:-

Why Start Affiliate Marketing On Pinterest?

Visual Appeal :-

Pinterest is a highly visual platform known for its beautiful images and graphics. This allows you to create visually appealing Pins that grab the user’s attention and encourage them to click, making it perfect for promoting your product or service through affiliate links.  

High Engagement:-

Pinterest users actively seek out inspiration, ideas, and products to try and buy. They often use Pinterest as a discovery tool and are more receptive to product recommendations.

This high level of engagement makes users more likely to click on your affiliate link and make a purchase.  

Evergreen Content:-

Unlike other social media platforms where posts quickly get buried in users’ feeds, Pinterest’s content has a long lifespan.

Your Pins may reappear months or even years after they were first published, continuing to drive traffic and generate affiliate sales.

This evergreen content on Pinterest can provide a more sustainable affiliate revenue stream. 

Niche Targeting:-

Pinterest lets you target specific niches and interests using Pinterest group boards and related keywords.

You can create boards focused on specific topics like fashion, home décor, fitness, and curate content for partner products.

This targeted approach helps you reach relevant audiences who are more likely to convert into affiliate sales. 

SEO Benefits:-

Pinterest acts as a search engine, and your Pins appear in search results both on Pinterest itself and on popular search engines like Google.

Optimizing your Pins with relevant keywords, descriptions and hashtags can increase your Pin visibility and drive organic traffic to your affiliate links. 

Affiliate-Friendly Policies:-

Pinterest allows affiliate marketing if certain guidelines are followed. While it’s important to read Pinterest’s current policies and terms of service, they generally allow the use of affiliate links, making it easier to monetize your content. 

Remember that providing valuable and relevant content, endorsing products wholeheartedly, and building a trustworthy presence are key to successful affiliate marketing on Pinterest.

By focusing on high-quality, visually appealing Pins and targeting the right people, you can leverage Pinterest’s unique capabilities to drive traffic and earn affiliate commissions. 

My Final Thought On Pinterest Affiliate Marketing

My best tip for affiliate marketers is to consider starting a blog or website to promote their affiliate program.

A blog or website is more than just a place to share articles or information; it’s a base or digital home where you can review products, share features and benefits.

And provide educational tutorials for visitors to understand how to use the affiliate products.

A blog or website can help build trust and reliability with your audience. It makes your online presence more credible and influential.

While it’s possible to do affiliate marketing without a website. But having one can help you sustain your business in the long run and reach a larger audience. And i highly recommend to use Pinterest for affiliate marketing.


In conclusion, Pinterest can be a valuable platform for affiliate marketers to promote products and earn commissions.

By following the steps of creating niche-focused boards, joining group boards, adding affiliate links to pins.

And sharing them with followers and audiences, affiliates can drive traffic to affiliate offers and generate income.

However, it’s important to choose reputable and trustworthy affiliate programs and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Therefore, as with any marketing strategy, success on Pinterest as an affiliate marketer requires a commitment to providing helpful, relevant content to your audience and adapting your approach based on results.

So this is my beginner guide to learning how to start affiliate marketing on Pinterest. Also read this complete article to avoid affiliate marketing mistakes as a beginner if you are a amazon associates and working on amazon affiliate program.

So, now I hope you found this post informative and enjoyable to read. Please feel free to let me know if there are any other aspects related to this topic that you would like me to cover in future posts.

Additionally, I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic, so please do share them in the comments section.

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